
I took this picture at a Church alter in Germany.


( I posted this back in 2010 on my old blog. I felt I needed to post it again – with a few minor changes.)

I believe most Christians would agree that prayer is a major key to seeing a genuine revival in this country. Some would say that a move of the Spirit through signs and wonders is needed – I would agree with that. We live in a “Christian culture” full of  Christian self-help books, Bibles of every shape, size, and various translations.  But, most Americans are suffering none-the-less from a famine of the hearing of the Word of God. We are dying spiritually in the mist of the information age.

The average American Christian does not know his or her Bible. We read the Scripture but know very little of the original context it was written in. We formulate doctrines based on our own personal experience, often taking verses out of their context. But, I have hope. God is raising up ministers in this Nation that are committed to the exposition of the Scriptures. I am encouraged by the clear teaching I’m hearing on the sovereignty of God, the substitutionary atonement, the feeding of the poor, missions, and the majestic splendor of King Jesus. My heart is to see Christ Church embrace the present day ministry and power of the Holy Spirit. A fresh empowerment or filling of the Holy Spirit is the need of the hour. To reject the spiritual gifts God has given to his Church – is to reject his grace.

God is building something of great theological depth in those that will “study to show themselves approved” and will pour His Spirit out on those who will seek him. I’m certainly not the first to see the connection between the Word and the Spirit. But, the need for this convergence, cannot be overemphasized. Come Holy Spirit!